An orb web with stabilimentumn of Argiope amoena.
A camouflaged orb web of Cyclosa octotuberculata.
A horizontal orb web of Leucauge celebesiana.
A hackled-band orb web with stabilimentumn of Octonoba varians.
A quasi-concentric circular web of Cyrtarachne bufo.
A horseshoe orb web of Nephila clavata.
A free-sector web of Araneus pentagrammicus.
A free-sector web of Arachnura logio.
A triangular web of Hyptiotes affinis.
A dome mesh web of Cyrtophora ikomosanensis.
A funnel web of Agelena silvatica.
An irregular web of Parasteatoda tepidariorum.
A sheet and tangle web of Parasteatoda japonicum.
A lace web of Badumna insignis.
A signal-line web of Uroctea compactilis.
An irregular web with bell of Parasteatoda angulithorax.
A non-sticky thread web of Ariamnes cylindrogaster.
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