
フィリピンの旅 2009年3月27日〜4月2日


 「私はフィリピンに14年ほど暮らしていて、フィリピン人の主人との間に3人の子どもがおります。中学1年生の長男は大変な生き物好きで、特に昆虫、その中でも蜘蛛が好きで、その事が周知なので、北ルソン日本人会の代表 小国秀宣さんからメールの転送を頂いたわけです。クモ相撲はいたるところでやっています。息子は近所の子どもたちと日常茶飯にやっています。」

 バギオ市在住の田口園子さんから嬉しいメールが届いた。ご子息の田口 賢くんは、クモに詳しいとのこと。一通のメールから、私のバギオ訪問が決まった。2008年7月末のことである。北ルソン日本人会の小国秀宣さんからは、『バギオ市制100周年記念 バギオ子どもクモ相撲大会』を開催したいので、アドバイザーをしてほしいとのこと。2009年は、バギオ市の市制100周年という記念すべき年なのであった。 小国さんのプロデュースにより、バギオ100年祭委員会の後援も得て、とんとん拍子で事は運び、今年2月にはポスターも出来上がった。フィリピンの三大新聞のひとつ、フィリピン・デイリー・インクアイアラーの取材も受けた。



バギオのクモ相撲大会ポスター司会者との打ち合わせバギオのクモ相撲大会参加賞ワッペン開会にあたって お祈りクモ相撲のレフェリーは小学校の先生決勝トーナメント表優勝したKURTくんとクモ相撲大会のバナーバギオのクモ相撲大会参加者 記念撮影バギオのクモ相撲大会の新聞記事



Congratulations to the Baguio Centennial, 100 years anniversary.
I think that there have been a lot of hardships in the past 100 years.
Among them, the World War II that was caused by barbarous Japanese militarism brought numerous miserable deeds.
I personally would like to apologize to Filipino people for the troubles that were caused by the Japanese militarism at that time.

Another hardship was the great earthquake in 1990. I would like to pray for the victims of the earthquake.
Although Baguio experienced those difficulties, people in Baguio city have overcome those hardships and now the peaceful and beautiful city has been reconstructed. Please let me join you to cerebrate the centennial.

(It is my pleasure to attend this spider fighting contest this time.)
In Japan, many years ago, Japanese children enjoyed Spider Sumo fighting.
However, destruction of nature took it away from Japanese children.
Adults in Japan are now trying to succeed the tradition of Spider Sumo and preserving it as an intangible cultural heritage.
The most famous Spider Sumo in Japan is the one in Kajiki town, Kagoshima prefecture.

Recently, I learned that in the Philippines, many children are enjoying Spider Sumo even now. That's why I decided to visit here in Baguio, to study about it that is very similar play in Japan. Maybe, it came from Luzon to Japan, or, Japan to Luzon, a long long time ago.

I think that Spider Sumo is a very wonderful culture of us who love nature and coexist with nature. And, I believe that it is one of children’s plays that symbolize rich nature in the Philippines and robust Filipino children who are playing in the nature.

I would like to express my gratitude to the members of Japanese Association in Northern Luzon for their efforts to have this Spider Fighting Contest to celebrate Baguio Centennial.
And, specially, I want to say Thank you very much to Ken Taguchi.
Also, thank you very much to all participants today.

I am very happy today to see that the relation between Japan and Philippines becomes more close and friendly through the Spider Sumo.

Thank you very much.

Written by Mikio Sekine
Translated by JANL

March 28, 2009

関連サイト:バギオの北ルソン日本人会 バギオ子どもクモ相撲大会蜘蛛「相撲」バギオ場所出現!!


